Monday, September 8, 2008

Boston's First trip to Lagoon!

So the day before school started Tennille asked if we wanted to go to Lagoon, she got us some passes and we couldn't skip out on a free trip to Lagoon. Especially since its so expensive these days! Boston had a great time....he was a little unsure of the rides, but he kept watching his cousin Will for encouragement. He LOVED the train ride, I think that was his favorite, he loves animals so much and trains so it was perfect, in fact when the train stopped he didn't want to get off. It was an emotionally hard day for me because I was witnessing my little baby boy grow right before my eyes. I was happy, but so sad to see him standing in line for the rides all by himself (without mom) but him and Will just looked so cute and all grown up. I can't believe they're almost 2 years old!! Time flies!!! We love you so much Boston!!!!
Boston's very first ride and he really didn't love it lot's...
Boston, Will and Olivia being silly....sooo cute!

Boston and mommy on his last ride....he didn't love this one, if they just went in cricles it would be one thing, but when the rides go up and down and around he gets a little worried!!!

1 comment:

White Family said...

Love taking my kids to Lagoon. Megan loves it. She was unsure at the begining of the year but she got used to it and now loves it. She likes puff.